Increase Sales

“The proof is in the pudding.” It’s a common enough phrase meant to remind us that talk is cheap – what matters is results. As a business leadership and positioning coach, I agree – but I’d take it a step further. When it comes to increasing your sales, it’s not just the proof that’s in the pudding; it’s the persuasion.

Here’s what I mean:

Fitness Coach A has a call with a potential client and walks her through the step-by-step process they will take to achieve her health and wellness goals. Fitness Coach B has a call with the same prospect, and walks her through what it will feel like once those goals are achieved.

Who do you think makes the sale? 

Explanation vs. inspiration 

It’s easy for business owners to get stuck on the “how” when they talk about their work. After all, you’re passionate about what you do. You’re really good at it. And you want to share it with the people you know you can help. But that only happens when you are able to give prospective clients a compelling reason to pick you instead of someone else.

What motivates people to invest in one particular product or service over another is not a step-by-step description of your method or a detailed explanation of your product. What motivates them is the vision of themselves somehow better off, happier, or healthier after having worked with you. Explanations only reach people on the intellectual level, but purchases are made at an emotional level. That’s where inspiration comes in.

Messaging your results

To increase your sales, ditch the step-by-step descriptions of what you do and focus your messaging instead on inspiring prospective clients with the transformation they will experience when they work with you or purchase your products. 

This starts with figuring out what keeps your clients up at night. What pain points are they trying to alleviate? What dreams are they trying to realize? What would an incredible outcome of working with you look like for them?

Results can come in many forms. Depending on your area of expertise and your prospective clients, you could paint a picture of: 

  • Tangible, measurable results. Maybe an ideal outcome for your clients is to lose 20 pounds, get a book deal, or enjoy relaxing and entertaining in a newly renovated home. For my clients, the transformation has included things like doubled income and time savings so they can create a business with greater ease and joy.

  • Breakthroughs. One of the most valuable results a client can experience is a shift in perspective or ability that opens up new and exciting possibilities for them. I’ve loved seeing my clients achieve breakthroughs like gaining pricing confidence, finally getting control over their calendar, streamlining their processes and systems, and getting clarity on where to spend their time most effectively.

  • Increased capabilities. Results can also come in the form of upleveled skills like improved public speaking, better messaging, or greater clarity on how to achieve their ideal life. In my work with business leaders and entrepreneurs, this can look like a stronger ability to lead, and becoming less reactive and more strategic.

  • Elimination of pain points. Moving people from a place of feeling stuck and unable to solve a problem or get around a challenge on their own is the transformation they want. I’ve helped my clients alleviate and overcome experiences like not knowing what to do next in their business, having ineffective marketing, being overwhelmed, and feeling like a best kept secret.

  • Fulfillment of wants or needs.  Sometimes the best result is one that acts like a springboard for more success and happiness. Perhaps for your clients, having a stronger resume will help them land more job opportunities, working on mental wellbeing will lead to a greater feeling of confidence, or knowing how to pursue career advancement will result in greater financial freedom. For my clients it's a thriving business with more available free time on the calendar. 

Focus on value

To increase not only the quantity of your sales but the quality, it’s important to message results rather than commoditizing our work. 

Commoditizing our work limits our value to x amount of hours or x amount of resources needed to manufacture a product. In reality, our value goes far beyond the hours we spend with a client or the cost of materials and production – our true value reaches all the way out to the transformation our clients experience when they work with us or buy our products.  

When we focus on that true value by communicating the results we get for our clients, we are better able to convert sales, and to break through income plateaus that arise when we shortchange ourselves by commoditizing our work. 

Focusing on value and learning how to message results are part of the strategic foundation I work on with clients inside the Above the Crowd Mastermind. My clients are typically business leaders and entrepreneurs who rely on their talents to generate income, but are overwhelmed and feel that they don’t have any room to breathe, let alone enjoy the life they dreamed of when they started their business. They are also often at an income plateau, or unsure of how to maximize their profitability. 

Working together, we create more income and less burden, find ways to bring greater efficiency and ease to their business, free up their time, and achieve greater clarity on how to focus their valuable energy for the greatest impact. 

Are you ready to increase your sales, break through income plateaus, and help more clients – all while enjoying greater ease in your own business? Learn more about the Above the Crowd Mastermind HERE.

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